Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Work at Home - Time Freedom

As a work at home agent, I have found that one of the best benefits is the ability to make my own schedule. By being able to choose the time of day and length of work blocks, I find scheduling around my life events very pleasing. I don’t have to ask anybody to take a day off or work a long hard day if I choose. I just do it.

A flexible work schedule can mean the difference between your kids being raise by you or someone else. I know a lot of people only make $500 a week and pay $200 of that to a daycare center, and another $50 or so for gas. That just sucks. Not to mention the about 10 hours a day your away from home.

I know thousands of people want the same lifestyle and work at home job as I do. You search till you think they just don’t exsist. Well, I am living proof that they do exsist…. and lots of them! I worked with 4 companies over the past two years, 3 just to check them out and one that I stayed with for quite a while. It paid $14 per hour to sit at home and handle tech support via the internet and my home phone for a major satellite TV company. The others paid $6 to $12 per hour and were very easy jobs.

The companies are real and so are the paychecks that come every two weeks. Why are they soooo hard to find? With literally thousands of people wanting a work at home job, these companies would be flooded with applicants if they advertised this type of employment. They would have to pay people to sift through lots of applications, of which a lot would not qualify for one reason or another. You would be suprised at how many apply that don’t have a home phone or their own computer. It wastes their time and the qualified applicants have to wait in line till the bogus are thrown out.

How did I find these jobs you ask??? The truth is, I have been into computers and the internet since 1980….. I grew up with it. Now not to brag or pat myself on the back, I am just very fortunate to have the knowledge of how search engines like Google, Yahoo, and MSN works. Given that, it still took me 3 months searching about 10 hours a day to sift through all of the crud out there and find the real legit work at home jobs. Wow, looking back it was a whole lot of work just finding a job on the net to work at home.

I continued to search even after I started working for one of the top companies in the US as a work at home agent. I found exactly what to look for and knew what words to use when searching. I found over 45 companies that hire work at home agents. Some are customer service, data entry, secretarial, virtual assistants, medical transcribing, and more. I have compiled a list of the top companies in a pdf format for download. If I offer it for free, which I did for a very short time, the companies get overwhelmed and shut the doors for a while. So, to weed out the not so serious and those who are not properly prepared to work at home, a small one time processing fee of $2.97 is required to download the list. Not much, but slows it down considerably. I only want qualified people who are very serious about working at home with a real job to apply with these companies. If that’s you, then go ahead and download the list today and start applying for your work at home position now!