Sunday, December 16, 2007

Work from home online jobs

Join A Winning Team!

The opportunity with Heritage Web Solutions is unique to the industry. We're ranked in the top 1% of hosting companies in the nation, we handle hundreds of accounts per month, and we've been in business for over five years.

Heritage Web Solutions can provide a
constant stream of accounts to qualified
individuals, providing you with the opportunity
to control your workload. Whether it is one account
a week, or more, we have the accounts to accommodate.

More jobs at

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Now hiring virtual assistants

This is a great company to work with. We highly recommend them.


Our virtual assistants work in all sorts of capacities. We need home based staff who can type, prepare legal documents, do medical billing, complete presentations, do desktop publishing, make travel arrangements, provide office support, assist executives and so much more. If you have a great business or office skill, we could use it! Our virtual assistants usually make anywhere from $10.00 to $20.00 per hour depending on the project.

View this job and many more at TheGadgitech

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Work at Home Job List Updates

  We are in the process of configuring the website. Please let us know if anyone has any problems viewing the free list of jobs.


Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Great Work At Home Job taking donations!

Here's another great company to work for from the comfort of your home!  ACD Direct provides call center agents for taking donations. Great company to work with! Take calls for companies like PBS.  Apply today!  Register for free!

Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Work from home video's is in the process of creating video tips for the recipe, work at home, and SEO sites. The first of which can be viewed at

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Work at home - Job reviews

Wonderful, friendly, knowledgeable staff to work with. Great pay as well.

Working Solutions
Customer Service/Support Representative
Working Solutions was created in 1996, to provide more legitimate work-at-home opportunities for those caring for family members, looking for supplemental income, and wanting or needing to work from home. What started as a very small in-house operation has grown steadily and solidly ever since. The Working Solutions process is very similar to that of a bricks and mortar temporary agency, but our agent workforce is made up of highly qualified independent contractors who work solely from their homes. We partner with clients from many different lines of business, providing them with a very capable and flexible supplemental workforce, as well as a talented project management team.

Friday, October 26, 2007

New Toys and Gadgets!

We've recently added a Toys and Gadgets section to our web site with great deals on many different toys and gadgets. Now that you have a legit work at home job, with all the time and money your saving by not having to drive to work, why not support those who helped you get that job. Do all your online shopping here and get the best deals - from KB-Toys to Legos and Walmart. Get great deals, and help support!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Making Money with Paid Surveys

More new content has been added! We now have some new links at to Make Money with Paid Surveys!

Making money with paid surveys is not as easy as it may sound, it's not all about easy surveys that make you money. While some are simple, if not long, surveys, most require you to try a sample of their product, either through a free trial or a money-back guarantee. All paid surveys can make you more money than you would spend. Just make sure you cancel any trial offers before the trial expires, but after you've received credit for taking the survey. Many people really do make money with Paid Surveys - it all depends on the amount of time and money your willing to put in to it.

We have links to both Paid Surveys that may require a credit-card and No-CC Paid Surveys. If you don't have a credit card, no problem. We also offer credit card services, check it out now to see about getting a credit card! There are many companies available that want to give you a credit card, so you can find the one with the terms that are right for you!

Look forward to more details on Making Money with Paid Surveys, we will have a page dedicated to listing legit paid survey sites soon!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Working from Home - I love it!!!

If you are seriously looking to work at home, and can be held accountable for doing so, then GO FOR IT!!! I have a great work at home job! I work in a call center selling several different items. I work for companies that have been around for years and are household names. You can get PAID TRAINING. Guaranteed pay rates for many different holiday seasons!! I work PART-TIME, maybe 25 - 27 HOURS 1 WEEK and then 30 - 35 HOURS 2ND WEEK. After, taxes, I bring home approx. $1100 - $1200 per month. Pay day is every other Friday, and the company offers Total Pay Card and Direct Deposit. The biggest thing to remember when working from home is that it is EXTREMELY EASY TO TAKE THE DAY OFF!! However, it is TOO EASY!! You really have to be a DISCIPLINED PERSON! Now, if you think you can handle this and are ready to work from home, whatever the reason, EVEN IF YOU JUST WANT TO BE YOUR OWN BOSS!!, then check out the job listings on this site. The company I work for is one of the companies on this list.

More Ways to Work From Home and Make Money

Great news everyone! We’ve now added a bunch of more ways to work from home and make money! There are new links on the left at

If you have a web site, or if you are a web site designer, listen up! If you haven’t heard about AdSense, your missing out on potential income! We’ve added new content including How to Make Money With AdSense Videos, a Free AdSense E-book, and more! Look forward to more tips on AdSense in the near future!

A Woman's Perspective on Things!!

I am a 45 year old woman working from home mostly Part-Time!! I have a computer set up in my bedroom. I have my own phone line that is free of any special features. (actually paid a whole $l.00 at the dollar store for it :) !!) If you can apply yourself to working just as if it was a job you have to go to, then working at home is for you. There are several legit companies out there. I am living proof. I work 25-36 hours per week. Pay day is direct deposit every other Friday. I worked 63 hours and brought home $572.00 over a 2 week pay frame. I will say that the company I work for pays you for your training, and it is on the list posted at There is a background check ran, and if you have even a misdimeanor on your record, you may not pass. However, you do not pay for the background check, and you can train while waiting for the background check to process. Now, if you get a job through this website, you could pay them back by clicking on some of the ads. You don't have to buy anything, but check them out, you may find something that strikes your fancy.

Lori - Texas

Friday, October 19, 2007

Success with a Legit Work At Home Job

"I'm a college student and I couldn't be happier now that I work from home online. I love my work at home job and it's great that I can schedule my job around my class schedule. It's easy work and I can work part-time and bring in an additional income of $400-$600 per month. This make a great job for students who need a flexible work schedule because of classes. I can work a half-hour between classes and/or several hours any other time, all from the comfort of my home. If I need to take off early for the weekend (or any day at all), it's my decision. I don't have a boss, and I can work as little as one hour a month or as much as 60-80 hours a week. I've saved so much money on gas and travel time, I have more money and time to spend doing other things I enjoy! Now is a great time to start a work at home job, with the Christmas season coming up, I can't wait to see how much I can make!" - Chris P.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

MyLot Gives and takes away

I started a MyLot account to help people find a great work at home job. I posted some articles, and users responded with great thanks and joy. Then my posts were deleted. I read the guidlines, and thought all was good. When I first noticed my posts gone, I tried to contact MyLot for an explanation. After 2 days, I got a response. "What was your question?" I had asked, "Please tell me why my posts are being deleted. Did I post wrong? I want to do it right." And that's the response I got. I was wondering if anyone else had this happen. I tried to contact them again, and now I can't even log into my account. WOW! If that's the way MyLot treats it's sign ups, they can keep it! You would think that trying to help people searching for a legit work at home job, without any scams, would be a good thing.

Please post comments here, as I would like the opinion of others. I still want to know where I went wrong.


MyLot Gives and takes away

I started a MyLot account to help people find a great work at home job. I posted some articles, and users responded with great thanks and joy. Then my posts were deleted. I read the guidlines, and thought all was good. When I first noticed my posts gone, I tried to contact MyLot for an explanation. After 2 days, I got a response. "What was your question?" I had asked, "Please tell me why my posts are being deleted. Did I post wrong? I want to do it right." And that's the response I got. I was wondering if anyone else had this happen. I tried to contact them again, and now I can't even log into my account. WOW! If that's the way MyLot treats it's sign ups, they can keep it! You would think that trying to help people searching for a legit work at home job, without any scams, would be a good thing.

Please post comments here, as I would like the opinion of others. I still want to know where I went wrong.


Sunday, October 14, 2007

Are you making money online?


Thousands of people search for a legit work at home job every day. Data entry jobs on line, best jobs for moms, work in customer service jobs, and more. There are a lot of data entry scams on the net so watch out. I am TheGadgitech. I decided to make a "virtual job board" for people who are searching endlessly for a "real work at home job" without all of the scams. My site is free for anyone looking for a legit work at home virtual job. My virtual job board can be found by looking at my profile and my website. MyLot removes my posts if I put the link here, so just view my profile.
There are over 30 companies listed on my virtual job board that hire people to work at home as a virtual call center agent. The pay is from minimum wage to over $20 per hour. More for transcribers doing audio file transcription work. Work on your schedule, wear what you want. Very short travel your own office. Your in control of when and how much you work. We at my household really enjoy the freedom of working with top companies and receiving a regular paycheck! So, for those of you looking and searching through all of the crud on the net, here's your answer. Never pay for a job unless you are a freelancer bidding on jobs to do. Which we also offer with a great company. I wish I could list all of the companies here, but without permission, my site may go away. And we don't want that to happen. I will just say that my girlfriend takes calls for one of the biggest toy stores on earth. She makes from $6 per hour off peak and $18 per hour during peak sales times. My son takes calls for one of the top infomercial tv shows on cable tv. I use to take calls for one of the top satellite tv companies for tech support and I made $14 per hour!
The jobs are here, they are very legit, and they do pay every two weeks. For those of you who would like to start their own business, I have affiliate programs. One of which pays out a whopping $125 per referral! Just for passing out a special number to give away a free satellite system. And yes I got paid. Very promptly. For about 10 minutes of work one day, I made $250 after the customer was installed! Wow, what an easy way to make extra money.
What are you still reading for? Go check it out and get a real job working at home today!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Are you making money online?

with Michael Cheney from

Q. So what made
you get started with AdSense?

A. I
was looking for a way to monetize some of my websites. AdSense
is such an easy thing to get started with the eye for it would
be a great way to start earning more money without actually putting
into much more effort. I think as soon as you see the first earnings
coming into your account you get addicted to AdSense. I know is
what happened to me and since then I've just spent time working
out how to earn more and more each day.

Q. How much do
you make with AdSense

A. Some days I can earn
close to $1000 and others it's less than that. But it all comes
down to how much time and effort you devote to creating a quality
site that people like visiting. AdSense is not what my business
is based on by any means - but it is a great way to earn revenue
almost on autopilot.

Q. What is the
biggest mistake people making with AdSense?

A. Probably
the biggest mistake people make is thinking the AdSense earnings
are easy to achieve. It is very easy to get started but as I learned
it takes a lot of effort to increase your earnings. I got really
downhearted whenever I would log in to my account to see that
I had only made a few dollars. And that's when I decided to spend
months and months of my time learning everything I could about

I basically buried myself
away and devoured every single piece of AdSense information I
could find. I ran thousands of AdSense tests and started to see
a dramatic effect on my click through ratio and therefore on my

This is why I'd decided
to record the videos - because I knew that it would help people
who were in my position to also increase their earnings. I've
read an absolute ton of AdSense e-book's but they take so long
to go through and always seem to keep information back.

With AdSense Videos I
knew that I had to tell the story exactly as it is and actually
show people and lead them by the hand through the exact techniques
that I use to generate large earnings from AdSense.

Q. In your videos
you show people how to increase their AdSense earnings - can you
give us a taster of this advice?

A. I
don't want to give away my biggest secrets as you can understand!
But some of the more basic things that you can do to increase
your revenues include using ads that blend in rather than stand
out from your content. Flat out the worst thing you can do with
an AdSense ad is make it look like the standard Google ad. What
you need to realise is that you will get more clicks if your ad
actually appears part of your site rather than something that's
just been dropped into the page.

Q. What would
you recommend that someone do right now to increase their AdSense

A. I've
created a totally free AdSense minicourse that people can go through
to learn some of my techniques. It takes you through the four
cornerstone principles that I've used to build up my AdSense empire.
You can check it out, as well as all the AdSense Videos, here:

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Virtual Jobs - Work at Home

Given a choice, I think most people would choose to work at home. With traffic and drive time added to a long work day, most people who work away from home spend 10 hours a day for a job. Quite a few top companies are outsourcing some of their workload to work at home agents. A virtual job so to speak. With a quite space in your home, an up to date computer system, and a land based phone line, you have a home office. Searching for this type of job is very frustrating if you don't know where to look. has a free list of over 30 companies that hire people to work at home. Doing jobs like call center work taking calls for major companies customer service overflow. Or transcribing audio files and data entry. Some of the companies take a while to get hired due to a lot of applicants. But I am here to tell you, getting hired isn't that hard and the rewards are fantastic. You make your own schedule, take a break when you need. Spend more time with your family instead of wasting non paid travel time to and from a job. No dress code, no traffic, nobody standing over your sholder. Just do a good job, get paid, and cash the check. I love it and so does my whole household. Get a free list of the companies that hire at

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Work at home - Jobs review has compiled a list of legit work at home companies that hire people to work at home. As a work at home agent, the jobs vary from data entry to inbound call center work, to transcribing audio files. A list of the top companies that hire virtual employee's and contractors, ranges in pay from minimum wage to over $30 per hour. Job duties like taking calls for a major toy store chain doing customer service and order placing calls, or a major satellite company taking technical help calls, or transcribing audio files to digital word documents. Contractors and employee's are able to make their own schedule, depending solely on their lifestyle, and family needs. Working at home for one of these companies, is a total joy. The companies I delt with, had great support from the trainers to the managers, to the resource leaders that help you with all of the aspects of these jobs. Some have live chat, while others have voice chat which enables the at home agent instant access to a vast knowledge base, from other agents acting in the supervisory position for decision making. Working at home for the top companies, can be very rewarding, as some hand out guaranteed pay, while others give bonuses to those who make the grade for work addherence. Most require a land based phone line and high speed internet for order taking and data entry. Finding these perfect work at home virtual jobs, is not an easy task. I found that the proper keywords made all the diference. Search for work at home and get a lot of sites charging for a list of work at home jobs that wind up being a business opp requiring money to start. It took me a lot of searching, and sifting to find the top notch, legit work at home jobs listed at So, to save others from having to fight through all of the scam sites, I offer a free list of legit work at home jobs to anyone with an interest of making money from home.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Great Freelance Jobs Available - click-work-collect

Go Freelance is a great place to find a vast assortment of freelance jobs for a work at home income. We highly recomend the small fee to join as the income you can generate, is far more than a little $2.95 fee to try out their service. Check it out today, sign up, and start earning money from home! Allways the best from

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Great Freelance Jobs Available!

We added a new service to with a Freelance Job source. Find it here on the banners below. Find your niche, get jobs, make money!

Excellent Freelance Jobs!

Check out some of the best Freelance Jobs on the net!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Saturday, September 15, 2007

New design! New Jobs!

We have updated the site look and feel. Lots of new legit work from home jobs now available!
More companies hiring right now. One company is looking to hire 5000 more contractors immediately! Come check it out and grab your application today!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Free Legit work from home virtual jobs!

New Jobs Posted!
That's right, a whole new list of new jobs are now listed at
With a wide variety of legit work from home jobs, almost anybody can work from home. Come check it out and apply for your dream job today!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Work from home jobs

TheGadgitech offers free info for work from home virtual jobs. We have personally checked out these sites to be legit! Working from home is such a rewarding experience. Make your own schedule, work when you have extra time, work full time, but work from home.
Check it out at and

Call center work - Taking phone orders for infomercials
Technical support - Incoming calls for various tech support
Transcribing - Audio/Video transcribing

Much More! Get the work at home job you have been looking for. Free list of legit companies.