Monday, October 22, 2007

A Woman's Perspective on Things!!

I am a 45 year old woman working from home mostly Part-Time!! I have a computer set up in my bedroom. I have my own phone line that is free of any special features. (actually paid a whole $l.00 at the dollar store for it :) !!) If you can apply yourself to working just as if it was a job you have to go to, then working at home is for you. There are several legit companies out there. I am living proof. I work 25-36 hours per week. Pay day is direct deposit every other Friday. I worked 63 hours and brought home $572.00 over a 2 week pay frame. I will say that the company I work for pays you for your training, and it is on the list posted at There is a background check ran, and if you have even a misdimeanor on your record, you may not pass. However, you do not pay for the background check, and you can train while waiting for the background check to process. Now, if you get a job through this website, you could pay them back by clicking on some of the ads. You don't have to buy anything, but check them out, you may find something that strikes your fancy.

Lori - Texas

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